Biological Society of Slovenia



Contents (Abstracts)


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Contents: Volume 50, Nr. 1 (2007)

Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes from Sečovlje salterns

Silva SONJAK, Tamara GLAVINA, Metka UDOVIČ, Marjana REGVAR


To reveal their mycotrophic status, we have here analysed the fungal colonisation of the roots, and the identity of these fungi, of the most abundant halophytic plant species from Sečovlje salterns (Slovenia): Aster tripolium , Limonium angustifolium and Salicornia europaea . The highest frequency of fungal colonisation was seen for the roots of A. tripolium , followed by those of L. angustifolium and S. europaea. Hyphae and occasional microsclerotia, the assumed structures of dark septate endophytes, were seen in the roots of all three species, whereas arbuscules, as typical structures of arbuscular mycorrhiza, were seen in the roots of A. tripolium and in one specimen of L. angustifolium . Fungal partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSUrDNA) fragments were amplifi ed from total root DNA extracts for further restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of the structures of the fungal root communities. Fifteen different RFLP profi les were obtained that grouped into two major clusters. Two RFLP profi les strongly dominated in samples of all three of the plant species. Sequencing revealed that one of these profi les corresponds to the species Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota), and the second to Capnobotriyella/ Pheotheca fi ssurella , putative dark septate endophytes from the class Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) . Intraspecifi c RFLP polymorphisms were demonstrated for both species. To our knowledge, this is the fi rst report on dark septate endophyte fungi occurrence in roots of A. tripolium , L. angustifolium and S. europaea .


Aster tripolium , Limonium angustifolium , Salicornia europaea , halopytes, mycorrhizal fungi, dark septate endophytes, restriction fragment length polymorphism

Anion-exchange chromatography using CIM® DEAE disks as a method

of choice for DNA isolation from lecithin



The most important prerequisite for the application of PCR-based methods, among them the detection and quantifi cation of genetically modifi ed organisms (GMOs) is the ability to extract signifi cant amounts of DNA of adequate quality from the sample under investigation. The sample of interest in our work was soybean lecithin with expected low DNA content. The aim of this study was to set up a fast and effective HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method using CIM® (Convective Interaction Media, BIA Separations d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia) DEAE (DiEthylAminoEthyl) anion-exchange disk monolithic columns (disks) for the isolation of DNA from soybean lecithin samples. As the reference isolation procedure we used CTAB (CethylTrimethylAmmonium Bromide) method, which is widely used in GMO detection. It was demonstrated, that CIM® DEAE disks allow effi cient isolation of DNA from soybean lecithin. Furthermore, in comparison with the CTAB method, the method was less time-consuming and reduced the use of some aggressive chemicals. The quality of isolated DNA was tested with spectrophotometric analysis, agarose gel electrophoresis and by amplifi cation of soybean specifi c lectin gene with qualitative and real-time PCR. The isolated soybean DNA was of adequate quantity and quality for PCR analysis, even though mostly degraded, present in small amounts and contaminated with some impurities, among them potential PCR inhibitors. The study expanded the applicability of monolithic columns in the isolation of biomolecules from highly processed

food materials and their potential use for nucleic acids detection.


DNA isolation, detection of GMO, soybean lecithin, chromatography, monoliths, CIM, CTAB, PCR, real-time PCR

The life of plants under extreme CO2



Higly elevated and fl uctuating CO2 concentrations at the sites with geogenic CO2 enrichment create unique and often extreme gaseous environment for plant life. In our paper we review the knowledge on plant performance at mofette Stavešinci, which is known for very pure exhalations of CO2. The responses of root processes and those occurring in aboveground parts of the plants are presented and discussed. The primary target of elevated CO2 are root- and other belowground processes, while the

direct effects on shoots are expected to be minor and only periodical. The successfullness of plants to cope with adverse conditions can be largely dependent on inherent adaptive mechanisms, which can, however, not be regarded specifi c for the response to elevated CO2. Some species, for example cockspur grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) posessess various mechanisms that make them fairly tolerant to extreme mofette environment.


natural CO2 springs, mofettes, soil CO2 concentration, photosynthesis, respiration

New molecular diagnostic methods for detection of Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV)



Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV), an RNA virus, belongs to the genus Tospovirus and family Bunyaviridae . The disease symptoms on host plants can not be distinguished from those caused by closely related viruses of the same genus, such as Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). The disease symptoms may vary between host plants and can be quite severe. Diagnostics of tospoviruses is of great importance in prevention of greater economic and environmental damage. Viruses within the genus show serological similarity and therefore make the detection of the viruses by serological methods unreliable. To avoid false positive results other methods can be used for detection of RNA viruses such as RT-PCR or RT real-time PCR. CSNV was fi rst found in Slovenia in 2001. Different methods were used to confi rm the identity of the isolate. Development of disease symptoms was observed on 15 different test plants and was compared to the symptoms caused by closely related TSWV. Since serological cross-reactivity was observed, molecular tests were developed (RT-PCR and real-time PCR) that further confi rmed the identity of the isolate and also increased sensitivity of the assays. CSNV can now be reliably detected and distinguished from related tospoviruses.


CSNV, diagnostics, distinguishing, ELISA, real-time PCR, RT-PCR, test plants, tospoviruses, TSWV

Snowdrop ( Galanthus nivalis ) and its phenotypic diversity in Slovenia



In Slovenia Galanthus nivalis L. is a widely distributed species, being also the sole representative of the genus. Expansive local populations of snowdrops grow on the margins of forests, in forests and non-manured meadows. Based on the observation of its phenotypic diversity over a number of years, both in the wild and after the transfer of specimens to the Botanic Garden in Ljubljana, the morphotypes were divided into groups with respect to the following: shape of fl ower, size of plant as a whole, shape of outer and inner perianth segments, number of outer and inner perianth segments, green markings of outer perianth segments, pattern of inner perianth segments, shape and colour of the ovary, bracts, extra bracts, green basal leaves (number, width, colour). The Botanic Garden collection currently contains over 1000 specimens of G. nivalis , among which all aforementioned groups are represented.


Galanthus nivalis , Snowdrop, intra species diversity, Slovenia, differences, groups

Alojzij Jenčič (1874–?), the plant physiologist from Ribnica (Dolenjsko/Lower Carniola, Slovenia)



Alozij Jenčič was born on November 19, 1874 in Ribnica na Dolenjskem (now Slovenia). After the compleated gymnasium in Ljubljana (1894) he studied biology on the Vienna University and got his doctorate in 1900 with the plant physiological thesis »The infl uence of low temperatures on the germination of seeds« under the mentorship of Prof. J. Wiesner. In the years 1901–1911 he was assistant in the Institute for Plant Physiology of the Vienna University. In 1911 he passed over to the Academy of brewing industry. Other data of his life are not known.


Alojzij Jenčič, Plant Physiology, Plant Anatomy

Marjana REGVAR


© 2003, Društvo biologov Slovenije –
Journal of Biological Society of Slovenia

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