Biological Society of Slovenia



Contents (Abstracts)


11: 1 (1963)    27: 2 (1979)    31: 1 (1983)    35: 1 (1987)    36: 1 (1988)    40: 3-4 (1995)    42: 2 (1999)    43: 3 (2000)    44: 1-2 (2001)    45: 2 (2002)    46: 1 (2003)    47: 1 (2004)    47: 2 (2004)    48: 1 (2005)    48: 2 (2005)    49: 1 (2006)    49: 2 (2006)    50: 1 (2007)    50: 2 (2007)    51: 1 (2008)    51: 2 (2008)    52: 1 (2009)    52: 2 (2009)    53: 1 (2010)    53: 2 (2010)    54: 1 (2011)    54: 2 (2011)    55: 1 (2012)    55: 2 (2012)    56: 1 (2013)    56: 2 (2013)    57: 1 (2014)    57: 2 (2014)    58: 1 (2015)    58: 2 (2015)    59: 1 (2016)    59: 2 (2016)    60: 1 (2017)    60: 2 (2017)    61: 1 (2018)    61: 2 (2018)    62: 1 (2019)    62: 2 (2019)    63: 1 (2020)    63: 2 (2020)    64: 1 (2021)    64: 2 (2021)    65: 1 (2022)    65: 2 (2022)   

Contents: Volume 48, Nr. 2 (2005)

Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae : new rock crevices association from the Julian Alps (South-Eastern Calcareous Alps)

SURINA Boštjan


Vegetation of rock crevices in the Krn Mts. (the Julian Alps) is briefly presented. The association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum lutae ass. nova was newly described. It was classified into the alliance Cystopteridion fragilis . Other confirmed or identified associations are Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii ( Cystopteridion ), Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae, Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, Saxifragetum squarroso-crustatae and Potentilletum nitidae ( Androsaci-Drabion tomentosae ).


vegetation, phytosociology, phytogeography, Asplenietea trichomanis , Cystopteridion , endemism, Alps

Geum allepicum Jacq. in Slovenia

VREŠ Branko


The first (subspontaneous) occurrence of Geum allepicum in Slovenia is reported, with a discussion of its morphological characters, a description of its habitat, and an identification key. Geum allepicum was found in May 2000 on a Ljubljana centre lawn (9953/1 – UTM 33T VM60) together with the common Geum urbanum L. and their hybrid Geum x spurium Fisch. & Mey.


Geum allepicum

Questions as a basis for comparison of biology textbooks and workbooks



This study focused on the analysis of three biology teaching sets and one textbook for 8 th and 9 th grade of elementary school. As a criterion we used the number and structure of questions assessable by Bloom’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain.

It is obvious from the differences in the number and type of questions that the authors of the teaching materials differed in their understanding of the role of textbooks and workbooks in the teaching process. The analysed teaching sets included between 1.1 and 1.4 questions per page; most of them found in workbooks. The exception was one textbook with no questions for the students. The analysis of the questions using Bloom’s scale of cognitive levels showed statistically significant differences between teaching sets. The average cognitive level of the questions in a teaching set was between 1.7 and 2.1.

The questions represent only one of indicators that show to what extent the didactic aspect was considered in the teaching sets, but the results suggest biology teaching material for elementary school is overly focused on lower cognitive levels, mostly recognition, not providing enough knowledge of higher cognitive levels.


textbooks, evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain

IN MEMORIAM - Prof. dr. Miran Vardjan, 1919 – 2005



© 2003, Društvo biologov Slovenije –
Journal of Biological Society of Slovenia

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